Jun 01 , 2020
These 100% cotton cloths are the best (and why you shouldn't use single use wipes)
Most wet wipes aren't biodegradable, they are designed for a single use (it’s worth reading up on the difference between biodegradable, compostable, degradable and recyclable products when you have a spare 5 minutes too!). It could take 100 years or more for wipes to disappear from landfill - yuck. Worse still, some people flush wipes down the toilet, so they end up clogging sewers, which kills marine life and litters our beaches.
But not only are wet wipes an environmental disaster, they are also disastrous for your skin. Packaged wipes need high levels of preservatives, parabens and alcohol to keep them moist and mold free (yuck!). From a skincare perspective, especially if you have sensitive skin or have any redness, these makeup wipes may be causing you big problems.
So what’s the alternative? Enter the elly b Special Cleansing cloth.
What does it do? This natural woven cotton cloth cleanses your skin, and gently exfoliates and improves circulation at the same time. It’s so gentle that even people with super sensitive skin - even those who can’t use scrubs or exfoliants - can use this elly b Special Cleansing Cloth.
Designed to be used with your cleanser, the cloth will remove foundation and daily grime. Your skin is gently exfoliated, dead skin cells are removed, circulation is stimulated, and skin feels smoother and is better prepared for serums and/or creams to follow.
How to use: After applying cleanser, soak your cloth in warm water (not too hot!), squeeze it out and lay over your face. Gently wipe your face, rinsing the cloth as you go.
The cloths are light and quick drying and can be machine washed with your towels and reused again and again.
SKINCARE TIP: If you have those little bumps on the backs of your arms or legs (e.g. keratosis pilaris or something similar), by regularly using the cloth in a circular motion over the area to exfoliate you can help smooth them out - but don’t forget to moisturise after.
The cloth will last a long time, but when it’s really past its prime re-purpose them as household cleaners. Sustainable solutions for your skin and your home!
x Lel