The Skin Barrier - protecting the outer skin layer

May 19 , 2023

Lel Banks

The Skin Barrier - protecting the outer skin layer

The outer layer of your skin is called the Skin Barrier and it creates an important buffer against harmful bacteria and toxins entering through your skin.  In other words, it keeps the good stuff i...

Why we love Argan Oil for all skin types

Oct 24 , 2020

Lel Banks

Why we love Argan Oil for all skin types

...and why Argan oil is one of the best - even for oily skin!  The beauty of Argan oil is that it is super nourishing without being heavy. That’s because it's packed with omega fatty acids, Vitamin E and linoleic acids, all working together to protect and moisturise your skin.

Glycation - the skin's ageing process & collagen

Oct 24 , 2020

Lel Banks

Glycation - the skin's ageing process & collagen

What on earth is glycation you ask?  Glycation of the skin is one of the leading causes of skin ageing - it just gets less air time than the sun and those annoying annual birthdays ;)  It's a chemical reaction, in your body, caused by the consumption of excess sugar. I’m sure you know what I'm going to say next…

These 100% cotton cloths are the best (and why you shouldn't use single use wipes)

Jun 01 , 2020

Lel Banks

These 100% cotton cloths are the best (and why you shouldn't use single use wipes)

Most wet wipes aren't biodegradable, they are designed for a single use, and terrible for your skin.  So what's the alternative?

Why essential oils are so great, and why the human body reacts to smell

Apr 14 , 2019

Lel Banks

Why essential oils are so great, and why the human body reacts to smell

In the plant world some essential oils are produced to attract insects to aid in reproduction, and in others to deter their enemies from eating them or other plants from invading their patch.